When core facility resources have been used to generate data that are described in a talk or publication, including posters, the University of Kentucky Bioelectronics and Nanomedicine Research Center must be acknowledged. Users are expected to inform the facility when an acknowledgment is made. This is essential to our annual reporting.

We highly encourage a copy of the publication resulting from work in the Bioelectronics and Nanomedicine Research center to be sent to us.

  1. Khaga R. Neupane, Surya P. Aryal, Brock T. Harvey, Geraldine San Ramon, Byeong Chun, J. Robert McCorkle, Jill M. Kolesar, Peter M. Kekenes-Huskey, Christopher I. Richards. Organelle Specific Macrophage Engineered Vesicles Differentially Reprogram Macrophage Polarization. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2024. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202401906

  2. Maame Abena O. Afrifa, Jong H. Kim, Kathryn A. Pitton, Chibuzor Olelewe, Adedamola S. Arojojoye, Douglas R. Strachan, Mark A. Suckow, and Samuel G. Awuah. Auranofin-Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles Demonstrate Potency against Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2024. DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.4c00184