Welcome to Bioelectronics and Nanomedicine Research Center

The Nanomedicine and Bioelectronics Research Center accelerates biotechnology and bioelectronics innovation at the University of Kentucky with an emphasis on fostering multidisciplinary faculty engagement and building core infrastructure for nanomedicine and bioelectronics to catalyze novel devices, diagnostics, and therapies.

We provide infrastructure, collaborative events, and support for faculty in Nanomedicine and Bioelectronics, which will directly lead to a strong community of funded researchers on the UK campus. With the goal of addressing grand challenges in disease detection, treatment, and monitoring, the center aims to bring together leading UK faculty across the colleges of Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Agriculture. The University of Kentucky has established strengths in materials science and engineering as well as biomedical research. This center brings together these communities to advance the fields of bioelectronics and nanomedicine and resolve health challenges within our Commonwealth and beyond.